Here are a few key tips to remember when buying a new construction home.

Today we're sharing some tips about buying a new construction home. Remember that not all home builders are the same. We’ve worked with dozens of local and national builders, so we know ways to safeguard your investment, sanity, and pocketbook. We pride ourselves in providing a superior level of service for our clients, which entails:

  • Detailed specification lists

  • Constant contact with us

  • Utilizing quality materials and selections

  • A true understanding of the contracts

Over the years, we’ve met with many builders and their sales representatives, and we’ve seen a multitude of variations in the quality of services, prices, and timelines. It’s not always in your best interest to work directly with a builder’s sales representative; that rep is most likely a licensed real estate agent, and by state law, they represent the builder’s best interests—not yours.

Did you know that it doesn’t cost you anything to have your own representation while building your dream home?

Many builders offer other services (mortgage and title) where they may provide “deals and incentives” if you work with their preferred companies. Some builders may even try to force you to work with their companies; just know that it’s your choice and they can’t make you. Many of their deals don’t actually save you money or provide you with the the best options. They may sound great at first, but you should know that the builder is recouping that discount somewhere else in your home build that you may not realize.

We all love walking through beautifully staged new homes; their impressive finishes and conveniences can be breathtaking. Most new construction model homes showcase all the upgraded amenities and materials that are likely not included in the base price of the home. You should also be aware of the warranties included in your new home purchase, as well as contract items like timelines that involve weather, down payments, progress payments during construction, contingencies, and what to look for during your walk-throughs and inspections.

Did you know that it doesn’t cost you anything to have your own representation while building your dream home? Reach out to us at Breuer Choice Realty Group, and we’ll help empower you with our construction knowledge and experience. Call, text, or email us to discuss your real estate needs!